Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Redeem the time

Ironically, as I sit here typing this, I have a load of work to do that I haven't even begun. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that this summer I am supposed to write a book. And be done with it before school starts up again. God help me. I think I've stepped into a procrastination realm of the Twilight Zone. How is it I can be full of desires, dreams, and have the ability to make it all happen, but then, I sort of just poop out and ride the wave before it really swells? Is there a Bible person or story about someone who just didn't do something? I'm sure there is. It just isn't coming to me right now. Oh well. My father-in-law would say, "You know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Though it may be true, it's not very comforting.

Well, here we go. I'll begin posting small excerpts from the book as I write it and hopefully get some feedback.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

I know this is two years late...but you are thinking of Jonah!

I wouldn't go swimming in the ocean any time soon ;)

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