Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Redeem the time

Ironically, as I sit here typing this, I have a load of work to do that I haven't even begun. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that this summer I am supposed to write a book. And be done with it before school starts up again. God help me. I think I've stepped into a procrastination realm of the Twilight Zone. How is it I can be full of desires, dreams, and have the ability to make it all happen, but then, I sort of just poop out and ride the wave before it really swells? Is there a Bible person or story about someone who just didn't do something? I'm sure there is. It just isn't coming to me right now. Oh well. My father-in-law would say, "You know how you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." Though it may be true, it's not very comforting.

Well, here we go. I'll begin posting small excerpts from the book as I write it and hopefully get some feedback.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Around the corner

As this session winds to a close, I find myself thinking towards the summer. Many things call to me as I consider what I might do since I'm not taking any classes. There is defintely not going to be much time to relax though.

Even though the Real Estate market is improving, my personal business is still a bit young to have the network of contacts necessary to produce profitability. As such, I will probably find another means of earning income. Though, I would prefer to work for myself in some venture, I may end up working as an employee for a period of time and pray that I can be a blessing to some other business owner while I am there.

I would like to engage in some creative venture. I have had several book ideas swimming around, and though pessimism continually tries to tell me it would be a waste of time, I know enough about Satan to recognize when he's trying to convince you not to do something.

I see many other potentially good ideas, but the time is short and I have to prioritize these ideas to make the most out of the time available. I pray God guide me, that even in my leisure I may serve Him in all I do.
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